The Baja Bubble: Paying It Forward


Congratulations, everyone! We just made it through another blistering summer.
My name is Pastor Rick. I’m the founder and pastor of Cabo Beach Church—which is now going on its fourth year. My own faith journey started decades ago on a beach in Santa Monica, California.   I was in a hard season of life.  I had just filed for bankruptcy on my third tech start-up that wasn’t able to turn the corner to profitability and ran out of financing options, as it was smack

in the middle of the 2000 dot-com bubble. Remember that doozy?

In the months following my bankruptcy filing, I spent a lot of mornings surfing and walking the beach, wallowing in the doldrums. One ordinary morning, I had come out of the ocean with my board in hand. As I put down my board and picked up my towel, I noticed a woman sitting 20 yards away—alone—and in a perfect little bubble of harmony. She just had a glowing peace upon her.

As I started my walk home, she said out of nowhere, “Have you ever read this book?” Holding it up, I read the cover: “Prayer of Jabez” by Dr Wilkinson. In short, the premise of the book is to unleash the power of prayer by asking God for something continuously for a month while repeating the prayer of Jabez. Priscilla—the woman on the beach—handed it to me, saying she was simply “paying it forward” after her miracle had taken place.

I read the book front to back that day, and I began thinking about my old dream and what had propelled me to work like a raving maniac for the last decade: a desire to eventually move to a small surf town in Mexico. (I grew up listening to James Taylor, by the way!) Long story short, I found that beach paradise I prayed for within two years—and 23 years later, I’m still there. Two years and now 23 years later I’m still in that beach paradise I prayed for years ago.  

My faith journey continued to grow—albeit with long hiatuses and plenty of misadventures, which I know now were all part of God’s plan to truly help me find a real relationship with him and stand tall above the weeds of religiosity.  Eventually, my path led to a Bible-based seminary program.  Thereafter, I received a calling—my first assignment from God—to co-pastor a church in one of Cabo’s poorest colonies. I realize now, I wasn’t there to teach anyone, but to learn from people who were truly dependent on God for everything. It was truly the best internship for a young pastor: I learned and witnessed real humility and faith every day.

During Covid, as all the churches had been shut down by government ordinances, I felt led to go down to the beach and start a Sunday service that would provide for ample social distancing. With the city’s blessing, we brought some umbrellas and a small speaker system, and presto: we had ourselves a fine little beach church.

Almost four years later, we’re still gathering at Las Viudas Beach on Sundays at 10am.  The old speakers that played recorded music have been replaced by live music and a lot more umbrellas along the way. I couldn’t have dreamed of pastoring a more beautiful church on the planet.  A beach church in Cabo just feels so perfect.  
Our congregation is a mixture of spiritual seekers, as well as mature believers young and old, but the common denominator is that everyone is so authentic and genuinely grateful.  It’s like the ocean air just comes in and washes away stuffy stereotypes, judgment, and condemnation every Sunday.

I still pinch myself that this spiritual journey started that early morning in Santa Monica when I started asking God to live in a beach paradise—and believing in the power of prayer.  

Thank you for allowing me to share my story with you. I hope you come join us on a Sunday morning.  I promise you it will be a unique fun experience and perhaps  a place for  you to  learn and grow in your faith.
