Weather in Los Cabos, When to plan your visit!


Los Cabos’ Perfect Weather

Los Cabos’ weather is spectacular year-round. A tropical paradise with almost no rain and warm winters that lead to perfect springs. Yet, in this landscape filled with activities that will grab the attention of anyone who visits, the season you choose to make your trip will make a big difference in the adventure you are about to experience.


Average temperatures from 71°F to 84°F (22°C to 29°C)

From March to May the sun starts to shine brighter in Los Cabos. And as these perfect temperatures become the new normal, visitors take over the main streets as everyone comes to enjoy the spring break. Although this makes this season less than ideal for those looking to avoid crowds, it’s still the perfect time to visit if you want to spend all day at the beach or go on a fishing trip.


Average temperatures from 75°F to 93°F (27°C to 34°C)

June to early August mark the hottest season in Cabo, with temperatures that reach the mid 90°F (~35°C) and the clearest skies of the year. This is the perfect time to practice more extreme water activities, like surfing and scuba diving, since the waves on the Pacific are at their best during this season and the temperature of the water is ideal for you to dive into it.

As the crowds start to slow down, this season also brings some of the best deals you can find in Los Cabos, making it the perfect time to visit if you want to make the most of your trip for the best prices!


Average temperatures from 78°F to 87°F (26°C to 31°C)

While late August through early October gets bad press for being the hurricane season, you will be surprised at how little it rains during Los Cabos “rainy season”. With an annual rainfall of less than seven inches, you still can enjoy many sunny days.  

October is also the best time to visit if you are especially interested in snorkeling, with the water still warm from the summer and the best water visibility of the year there is no better moment to discover the beautiful ocean wildlife of Cabo. 


Average temperatures from 62°F to 73°F (17°C to 23°C)

In Cabo the sun still shines through December to March, even if you may need a light jacket for the evenings, the days here still average temperatures in the mid 70°F (~23°C) making it the perfect place to shelter the holidays’ cold temperatures. This weather is the best to plan for outdoor activities like camping and hiking. 

Another reason to visit Los Cabos early in the year is to embark on a whale-watching trip! Every year these spectacular creatures travel thousands of kilometers to arrive at our waters, and during these months you have the best chance to experience this spectacle up close.




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